Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Hello, Herbert!

Call sign: Herbert

We are pregnant with number two! YAYYYYY!

We took this test on March 26.

Estimated time of completion: November 29, 2012. 

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

A Short Story Noah Inspired

This short story was sent to me by a member of our church after hearing our story of Noah.

"Several months ago at a meeting, you shared the story of your first born child. It is a tender story. Enclosed is a story that I wrote following that meeting. I enjoyed writing it. My hope is that it is as fun to read. Thanks for sharing your story and your lives at our church. We are blessed by your being with us."

The Story of Noah
(Sans the Ark and Many Animals)

By D. Prewitt 

It was the spring of life; a new marriage and their first child on the way - life in full bloom. Their friends too; young women sharing stories of the first kick and plans of showers.  Mothers with daughters recalling each step with a smile and the words, "When I was pregnant with you..."

They sat nervously in the doctor's office. The doctor had requested a special consultation. It was their third visit but things had been going well. The news came swiftly yet each word seemed to hang in the air. "Your baby has a condition that is incompatible with life." In that instant their hopes and dreams crashed without a sound. Joy was replaced with heartache. "Could it be happening to us?" they thought.

The next months passed by slowly. Follow up visits confirmed the first diagnosis. There was nothing to be done. It was inoperable. The nay Noah was born was a brutal confirmation of scientific accuracy. The little child lived, breathed and died in just a few moments. For the mother and father, love, sorrow and grief all within the rise and fall of his little breast.

Time passed. The young couple lived a full life. They had more children and grandchildren. Finally, when the woman called to her heavenly home, they had three great-grandchildren.

She was greeted in heaven by her parents and many friends and that preceded her. The Lord, Himself, was working through the crowd toward her when she heard a strange voice. She was certain that she had never heard it before but yet it seemed familiar. Even more peculiar, the voice belonged to a  man who looked a little like her father-in-law.

"Hello, mom. My name is Noah," he said. "I wasn't able to tell you this before but you were a terrific mother to me. You fed me and kept me warm. You protected me with your body. I could always hear you sing. I felt your pain when you knew I wouldn't be with you long. The safety of your womb was all I knew of life. I felt your love. Happy Mother's day, mom!"

About that time, the Lord embraced her. "Well done," he said. "We were especially proud of you and Noah. You had the special role of living the words of love to your generation. Come and enjoy peace in my presence."

"The king shall reply, "I tell you the truth, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers of mine, you did for me." Matthew 25:40 

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Noah's Birthday: One Year Later

Last weekend marked one year since Noah was born. We didn't really know how to commemorate it - who does? We talked about several different things - planting trees, donating books or premie clothing, monetary donations - but when it comes down to it, we just wanted to be with people who had loved and supported us, walked with us, and made five trips to the airport in one day.

The week leading up to Noah's birthday was highly emotional for me. I am so glad, so blessed, that Dave was able to be home (not deployed) at this time.

We had dinner with Katie (Tom was stuck in AZ for the night), and fellow first-pregnancy-Trisomy 18 family, Kelly and Dan (who now have three lovely, healthy children). While there were many families who loved and supported us and Noah, if we were to have invited everyone, it would have been too many people and felt less personal. Katie made fresh peach pie - which many people who where here on Noah's birthday last year will remember as the best pie in the entire world. For real, that pie healed and comforted many wounds last summer. As such, Katie gave me a recipe card for "Noah's Famous Peach Pie."

All in all, it was a quiet day - a normal day - which is what we wanted this year.

I saw three individual signs of God's love for us on Noah's birthday.

1.  As I spent some time working in the yard, I noticed that my one surviving sunflower (of the 20+ I had originally planted) had finally bloomed. Additionally, I found a rogue sunflower seedling sprouting in the grass and repotted it.

2.  We received our first letter from our Compassion child. In April, Dave and I decided to sponsor a child through Compassion International. I chose Saju because his birthday was close to Noah's.

3.  God kept us busy with God. We spent the morning with our Pastor at a New Members class to become members of the church that's nurtured us these past hard years. I know that's not an "obvious" sign of God, but it kept us occupied, which is what I needed - not to dwell, but to be busy and with other God-loving christians.

"and whoever welcomes a little child like this in my name welcomes me." -Matthew 18:5